.focus on the job of... Coordinator at Office Concierge
published on 04/26/2022
At Armonia, Facility Solutions expert, we bring together a wide range of businesses through our various brands. Our businesses cover 6 areas of expertise: hospitality & facility management, reception, event & retail, workplace & building solutions, safety & security, hygiene & cleanliness, and HR & interim solutions. Our goal is to provide excellent services and quality of life for visitors and occupants of a site. We will now highlight our jobs and employees.
Today, focus on the job of Coordinator at Office Concierge!
An Office Concierge Coordinator guarantees cost efficiency and the best practices to meet the demands of visitors.
Carrying out a wide range of duties such as arranging employees holidays and appointments, monitoring employee time keeping, attending weekly meetings with Operations, supporting a strong team spirit, ensuring that every information is passed to the appropriate department or ensuring the quality of work, the Coordinator always works for the excellence of service and the satisfaction of visitors.
The perfect profile for this job? A person who is flexible to her duties, who takes initiatives to find solutions to challenges, who is a multitasker, who has a good grasp of spelling and grammar and who has strong organisation and communication skills.
Office Concierge in a few words:
Office Concierge, an Armonia Group brand, is the leading independent provider of Reception Management Services in London. Through its receptionists, Office Concierge delivers a five star “hotel style” visitor experience to English office buildings.