.Armonia in 4th place among companies recruiting in France
This week, Le Figaro published the list of companies recruiting in France for the end of 2019. Armonia is in 4th place in this ranking.
published on 10/02/2019
The Armonia Group and nearly 250 companies were surveyed by Le Figaro for this second half of the year. With 8,148 recruitments planned between now and the end of the year, we are proud to appear among the main recruiters in France, behind the Casino Group, the SNCF (National French Railway Company) and Crédit Agricole.

This demonstrates our desire to grow in the multiservice market and to place employees at the centre of our strategic decisions. This is a vision that we share with all of our brands, and Phone Régie is in 13th place in this ranking, with 3,880 new hires planned.